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Privacy Policy

Spindletop Center is entrusted with highly confidential client information. This data is referred to as Protected Health Information (PHI) and is comprised of any information that Spindletop Center creates, receives, and maintains in any form that relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health condition of a client/employee or payment for services provided to the client/employee; and that identifies or can be used to identify the client/employee. 


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the federal law that governs privacy and confidentiality rules. Spindletop Center complies with all aspects of this law, and employees receive HIPAA training when hired and annually thereafter. Spindletop Center staff only access PHI concerning clients/employees for legitimate clinical and administrative purposes in the regular course of carrying out job duties and responsibilities. 


Your medical information will be maintained in a safe and secure location and will not be released without your consent unless otherwise allowed by law. You will be provided notice of Spindletop Center's privacy practices and must review this notice thoroughly.


If you believe that Spindletop Center has violated your (or someone else's) privacy rights, you have the right to file a complaint. Spindletop Center will not retaliate against you if you file a complaint. The Privacy Rule under HIPAA prohibits the alleged violating party from taking retaliatory action against anyone for filing a complaint. Your complaint must:

  • Be filed in writing;

  • Be filed within 180 days of when you knew the act complained of occurred;

  • Name the entity that is the subject of the complaint and describe the acts believed to violate the applicable requirements of the Privacy Rule.


In accordance with Family Code Chapter 58, Subchapter A, Section 58.0051, confidential information may be shared for the purposes of (1) identifying a multi-system youth; (2) coordinating and monitoring care for a multi-system youth; and (3) improving the quality of juvenile services provided to a multi-system youth.


This information may be shared with state and local juvenile justice agencies; health and human service agencies, including the Department of State Health Services (DSHS); the Department of Public Safety (DPS); the Texas Education Agency (TEA); independent school districts; juvenile justice alternative education programs; charter schools; other local mental health or intellectual and developmental disability authorities; courts; district and county attorney's offices; and children's advocacy centers.


You may file a complaint by contacting:


The Privacy Officer for Spindletop Center (Bryan Gauthier)

2750 S. 8th Street 

Beaumont, TX 77701 



If you are not satisfied with our response, you may also file a complaint with:


Office for Civil Rights-Department of Health & Human Services

1301 Young Street - Suite 1169

Dallas, TX 75202 

(214) 767-4056; (214) 767-8940 (TDD)

(214) 767-0432 FAX 


For complaints against alcohol or drug abuse treatment programs, contact the United States Attorney's office for the judicial district in which the violation occurred. 

24-Hour Toll-Free Crisis Hotline: 1.800.937.8097

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